What is Oncology Rehab?
Oncology rehabilitation includes physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. These specialized therapies help individuals achieve improved physical function during and after cancer treatment. Therapists receive specific training to address the unique needs of individuals undergoing or recovering from cancer surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy. Oncology rehabilitation can help those recovering from all types of cancers, including but not limited to breast, head and neck, lymphoma, cervical, bladder, prostate, and colorectal.
Physical Therapy
- Strength and range of motion
- Balance and gait training
- Scar and tissue tightness and restriction
- Pain, endurance, balance issues and fatigue
- Axillary web syndrome (cording)
- Pre-operative mobility assessment
- Post-operative mobility assessment
- Individualized post-operative exercise programs
- Swelling and/or Lymphedema
Speech Therapy
- Swallow difficulties
- Voice and Speech impairments
-Trismus (difficulty with jaw opening)
- Laryngectomy Management
- Scar and tissue tightness and restrictions in the head and neck region
-Swelling in the head and neck region
- Cognitive and memory issues from cancer treatment