Elizabeth “Itzy” Otterbein
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone: (512) 540-4011
Fax: (737) 237-5657
Email: Itzy@cancerrehabaustin.com
Elizabeth (Itzy) is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with experience in the rehabilitation of head and neck cancers and voice patients. She specializes in oncologic rehabilitation including management of patients undergoing chemo/radiation therapy and management of surgical patients such as partial glossectomies and total laryngectomies. She is passionate about the H&N Ca field and loves being an advocate for her patients. She values a whole-person approach to treatment and looks forward to getting to know you and your family.
Masters of Communication Sciences and Disorders from New York University
Bachelors of Linguistics from Cleveland State University
Continuing Education
Atos: Communication and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Post Laryngectomy: Following the Continuum of Care Course- 2019
InHealth: Tracheoesophageal Puncture and Prosthesis course for Post-Laryngectomy Voice Restoration- 201
Walt Fritz’s Foundations in Myofascial Release: Seminar for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders- 2020