Acupuncture Treatment
The majority of comprehensive cancer centers incorporate acupuncture into their oncology care. Oncology acupuncture uses research-based point protocols and treatment frequency/duration as the foundation for developing a plan of care. The base protocols are modified based on the individual patient's diagnosis and unique needs, making each treatment highly personalized. Therefore, it is imperative that your practitioner has advanced oncology acupuncture training.
Evidence shows acupuncture as an adjunct to standard oncology therapies can be effective in treating conditions such as:
* Nausea and Vomiting
* Pain
* Stress, anxiety and depression
* Neuropathy
* Hot Flashes
* Fatigue
* Constipation and Diarrhea
* Delayed Wound Healing
* Immune Support
Our Certified Acupuncturists
Dr. Mari Galle, L.Ac, DACM
Lead Acupuncturist and Director of Integrative Medicine
Phone: (512) 522-6518
Fax: (737) 237-5657
Hanna Liebermann, MAcCHM, LAc
Licensed Acupuncturist
Phone: (737) 237-5656
Fax: (737) 237-5657
Integrative Cancer Care Consults
60 Minute Consultation includes:
* Full medical intake of treatment history and current cancer treatment plan
* Discussion of current side effects and health goals
* Suggestions about when to incorporate different health care modalities, exercise, mind-body practices, and lifestyle changes to support health goals and minimize side effects.
Health care modality suggestions may include:
Practical and useful tools for creating a care plan for yourself or your loved one
Esthetics/Skin Care
Massage Therapy
Talk Therapy
Exercise Classes
Support Circles
At the end of your session, you will receive an Action Plan as well as a follow up email to answer additional questions regarding our consultation
Who would benefit from an Integrative Cancer Care Consultation?
People who are starting cancer treatment and want to have an idea of how they can incorporate an integrative oncology approach to their care
Caregivers who want to learn practical ways they can help their loved ones going through cancer treatment
People who are in the middle of their cancer treatment and would like additional support and patient navigation
People who have completed cancer treatment and may be dealing with long term side effects or dealing with the “What Now?” after treatment or while on maintenance treatment
Contact our director of Integrative Medicine, Mari Galle to schedule an Integrative Cancer Care Consultation