Jenny Bair, MHE
Certified Coach
(Known as the Inner Organizer and Passioneer of Purpose)
Phone: (972)741-4339
If you feel that you can benefit from coaching with Jenny Bair, then set up a 15 minute “Discovery Call” today to see if you’re a match with her services.
Life Coaching and Life Mapping:
Do the people in your life or do you know yourself – Do you feel discombobulated? Feel like daily things aren’t getting done that need to get done? Feel despair about your purpose in life right now? Need help building a life mission? Need help balancing your time for this season in life?
Then, you might need an infusion of Life Coaching and Life Mapping
Design a life you love again
Create a vision and goals for your life for this season
Quit sabotaging yourself and get your thoughts right
Learn the false equations that you’re telling yourself that are not allowing you to achieve what you want in your life
ADD/ADHD related, time management and organizational help
Find and create strategies to deal with overwhelm and stress
Build a schedule that reflects your goals and dreams (and health plan)
Intimacy and Sexuality Coaching
Do you feel uncomfortable in your skin after treatment? Want to create emotional and physcial intimacy but just can’t seem to find your way there? Are you talking negatively to yourself about your body? Just not connecting with your partner?
Then, you might need a little love and support with Intimacy and Sexuality Coaching –
(for women identifying individuals)
Find ways to love your body again
How to connect with your body again
Ways to increase sexual sensation again
Learn more about your anatomy down below and how your treasure box works
Health Coaching
Do the people in your life nag you about making changes? Changes to your diet colas, reducing your alcohol intake? Eating better? Moving more? Improving your attitude?
Then, you might need a boost of Health Coaching
Increase Hydration
Clean eating
Increase Movement that feels good to you
Increase healthful breathing
Change your attitude to benefit healing in your mind, body and spirit
Find creative solutions to reducing the things that may harm you
Organization Coaching
(Saturdays only) 4 hour blocks of time each session, paper and stuff organization – i.e. medical papers/receipts, papers, memorabilia, every room in the house, garages may need extra paid help
About Jenny:
Diagnosis day, 12/21/21, Triple Negative Breast Cancer. 3 Surgeries, 6 months of chemo, 9 weeks of radiation, bone treatments every 6 months plus a lot to put this humpty dumpty body back together. I experienced the stages of grief just like anyone with the C diagnosis. Inside of me though there at the same time there was grief, pain and sadness I also dug deep and had profound transformation by doing soul-work to settle some old traumas and dramas to Be Free of what holds me back with the time I have left of this Earth. I want to work with others that are ready to Fully Live in mind, body, soul and relationships. Find your purpose for this season in your life to thrive in a way that makes sense for only you.
She is a patient of the Cancer Rehab and Integrative Medicine, a Texas Oncology patient, Dr. Tosan Ehinare patient and has a whole-istic advisory board for her health. She just finished the Art Bra on 6/13/23 and raised over $7200.00 for the Breast Cancer Resource Center. She has started a for profit (hopefully soon to be a non-profit company called Triumphant Tees “Wear Art 2 raise $ for Cancer Thrivers.”) A portion of her coaching work at CRIM will be donated back to Triumphant Tees for needed services like 1:1 treatment, classes, support groups.
At CRIM, she will be coaching on several Saturdays a month in the areas of creating a life plan, purpose, health coaching, time & organization coaching, intimacy & sexual health, and how to learn to embrace life as it is now, and how to change our beliefs to livea full, zesty life no matter what state our body is in we have control of our minds and can do the soul work to find some joy, contentment, laughter and meaning despite that C word. She will be in person at CRIM on these days. However, if your health statusdictates, you can be online or by phone.
She is currently a Reverend, a member of the IACC & AACC (as a coach), National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. She has diverse training and certifications in many areas of health including Marriage Mentoring, Marriage Coaching, Human Sexuality, Reiki, Eating Disorders, Stress & Anxiety Disorders, Dr. Amen’s Brain Coaching, Sales and more. Also, she has years of experience as a professional organizer. She has experience with ADD/ADHD, Chronically Disorganized, Time Management, Space Organization, and Mental Organization as well. She helped start the NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) Chapter in Dallas and was in leadership positions for about 7 years.
Jenny Bair holds a master’s degree in Health Education. She currently works full time at Biote Medical as Practice Development Manager. Before BioTE, she has always been in healthcare education, consulting, marketing, operations, and business development. She is Co-founder & owner of Living Well Functional Medicine Center (LWD 19 + years) and Minerva Medical Consulting (2009). Previously before opening her practice in Dallas, she was a healthcare consultant with the University of Austin/Texas Department of Health & N.I.H. throughout Texas for the Putting Prevention Into Practice Program (P.P.I.P.) initiative from 1999-2001 before the funding directives changed after 9/11. The P.P.I.P. Initiative was the first iteration of quality outcomes, measures, and accountable care. She and her team oversaw 40+ practices, teaching them proper preventive medicine documentation/programming/educating patients, quality control and doing Patient Flow Analysis (PFA) Studies. While at UTA, Jenny studied under the late Dr. Oscar Mink, creator of the Open Organizations Consulting Model.
She was instrumental in opening two boutique practice-hospital models in Austin directing the marketing and wellness program activities in the hospitals and specialty prevention clinics (The Renaissance Women’s Center & Austin Heart Cardiology). She collaborated with individual clients, directed patient and employee educational programs that served 500 to 5000 community attendees, sat on numerous committees, and composed a Community Advisory Board for the hospital even with special members like Lady Bird Johnson and Susan and Michael Dell. Previously, she has been contracted and an adjunct professor at four universities. Jenny was a part of the innovative Motorola Well Quest corporate wellness program in the late 90’s. She has spoken to thousands in her career, loves teaching and is passionate about helping others with their next A-Ha moment in their life and work. She is a fan of helping someone grow in all areas of their practices as a provider, leader, manager, and become a savvy brand Rockstar of their niche.
During her undergraduate program, she assisted in running the peer education volunteer group, called The Network, (which is still going today at Texas State University serving 39,000+ students. She ran the peer education program called W.E.L.L. Wellness Educators for Longer Lives), taught peer education, and managed the Healthy Lifestyles Center for 11,000 students at Idaho State University. One of her favorite awards was being nominated BEST Professor in the Health Studies Department voted on by the students in 2014. She has written several Alcohol Education grants and assisted on a patient centered care grant submission to N.I.H.
In February 2016, she was nominated as one of the 2016 Best Top Female Executives in North Dallas and Addison. She has spoken to thousands in her career and has been written up in the Dallas Morning News, appeared on Good Morning Texas with Pat Smith and on Close Up TV. She is also online with the SAFM (School of Functional Medicine) on the weekends.
Schedule with Jenny today:
Phone: (972)741-4339
“I’ve found in my years of experience the minimum best time for new clients is at least 1.5 sessions. Most people have A-Ha moments around 1 hour 10 minutes – 1 hour and half; that’s why my sessions are longer. Also, most people see me get a plan and then just have touch base appointments after implementing their plans for each season/quarter.” -Jenny
Pricing to work with Jenny – She works in person at CRIM on set Saturdays & also offers telemedicine options
15 minute Discovery Call - FREE
1 hour coaching/life mapping - $175.00
90 minutes of coaching/life mapping - $250.00
Package pricing: (Better Value & Better Personal Gains)
(x2) 90 minute sessions for $300.00
(Expiration 3 months from purchase)
(x3) 90 minute sessions for $450.00
(Expiration 6 months from purchase)
(x5) 90 minute sessions for $750.00
(Expiration 6 months from purchase)
(x10) 60 minute sessions for $1500
(Expiration 9 months from purchase – great for monthly or bi-monthly follow-ups)
Professional Organizing Packages
(Saturdays only) 4 hour blocks of time each session, paper and stuff organization – i.e. medical papers/receipts, papers, memorabilia, every room in the house, garages may need extra paid help
10 hours of professional organizing (6 month expiration from purchase)
10 hours of organizing - $825.00
***Needs to be discussed with Jenny before purchasing to see the scope and needs of the organizational project, set up a Discovery Call first.***
Schedule with Jenny today:
Phone: (972)741-4339