Saturday April 24, from 11:00-12:15 pm CT with Nancy Schill, M.A., CPC.
Nancy has years of coaching experience and herself is a cancer survivor. During the course of each session, participants will identify emotional distress and challenges, explore relaxation, perspective, attitude, and positive opportunities, explore managing obstacles to cope positively, and create a personal plan to incorporate positive coping actions into their life. This session includes facilitated guidance for individuals to gain greater awareness of how they can improve their emotional coping and take action to positively deal with cancer. It also includes group sharing and positive discussion. If you are struggling with your emotional functioning and would like to make positive changes for dealing with cancer, you want to sign up for one of these sessions. If your cancer circumstances are different than remission or metastatic breast, and you would like to attend a coaching group or individual session, email to express your interest and we will work to find an a good match to support you.
The course is online via Zoom.
For financial assistance email